About Me

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Hello everyone! My name is Adrienne and this is my fourth year here at Fairmont State University. I've recently finished pre-med and now I'm working on my secondary ed degree with concentrations in general science, chemistry and biology. I'm really into outdoor activities, especially whitewater kayaking, hiking and skiing. I love music, some of my favorite artists are Zach de La Rocha, Bob Marley, Robert Plant, Eddie Veder, Chris Cornell, Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Graphics Day Two

Today, for our second assignment with graphics, we again had to access the Kid Zone chart construction page:http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/graphing/classic/ and create a chart that shows the number of students with an IEP (Individualized Education Programs) in the poorest states. This was based on the per capita personal income per state information from the year 2006 accessed at this website: http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0104652.html. These states were determined to be Mississippi, West Virginia, Utah and Arkansas (ranging from the poorest state to not as poor). The additional information was found through the NAEP website that was used for the first graphic assignment at this website: http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/states/. Under each state's profile is listed the number of students enrolled and then percent with IEP. This information can be used to calculate the number of students with IEP using a simple calculation. This calculated number was then taken for the four states and inserted into a bar graph so that comparisons could be made.
The chart portrays that West Virginia has a much lower number of students with IEP than the other poor states, but this may reveal that West Virginia has a smaller population and therefore a smaller number of students enrolled. A more accurate comparison would be to use the percent of students with IEP in each state.

NSET T: This website provides a free way to exemplify several conditions of the NSET; (2.) design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments and (3.) model digital age learning and work by displaying graphs of the learning curve across the country and introducing students to a new source to organize data.

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