About Me

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Hello everyone! My name is Adrienne and this is my fourth year here at Fairmont State University. I've recently finished pre-med and now I'm working on my secondary ed degree with concentrations in general science, chemistry and biology. I'm really into outdoor activities, especially whitewater kayaking, hiking and skiing. I love music, some of my favorite artists are Zach de La Rocha, Bob Marley, Robert Plant, Eddie Veder, Chris Cornell, Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Multi Modal Learning

We learned about different forms of learning using Power Point applications and other multimedia options to create a more interactive learning environment. The work that we did today can be seen on my Google website (access through the enclosure link above). We also worked on a "Who Wants to Win a Million?" game format in Power Point, which I also attached to my website.

The National Standards that are applied during this assignment mainly include:
2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments; this is because of the Millionaire game that was developed and also utilizing and teacher's web page for student learning.
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning: this again applies to the web page as an access point for information and assignment, study materials, etc.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Powerpoint Jeopardy

Today we learned how to make a jeopardy game in powerpoint...the way this game functions is through hyperlinks and action buttons. The number for each block in a category is a hyperlink to the question...then the next slide is the correct answer. Also on this slide is the home action button, which will take you back to the jeopardy board.
We also created our own website...you can access it through the enclosure link in the title.

The National Standards that were applied in this assignment were mainly:
2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments; this is because the jeopardy tool is excellent for review and class assessment through a creative application with Microsoft Power Point.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Power Point Day 1 FTP Stuff

Today we found a power point show online...I got this really cool one that shows how the tectonic plates have moved since the Earth was created. We saved the original powerpoint to the desktop as Power Point 93-2000 document (.ppt) then also learned how to save the power point presentation as a 93-2000 power point show (.pps), a pdf document (.pdf) and also as a web page (.htm). Sometimes when a document like this is saved to a webpage, it can become distorted but fortunately mine worked just fine.
You can see the .pps show through the enclosure link in the title and the other versions through the links below:


The National Standards that were applied in this assignment include:
2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Both these standards are applied because the power point is used for a more animated way of explaining a topic to make it more interesting for a student. The power point can also be adapted for questioning and answering.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Self Evaluation

Here is my evaluation for my blog site...attached as an enclosure link.
We finished the peer evaluation in class on Tuesday and it can be seen in the Formative Eval Form under the shared Google documents with Dr. Pierce.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Podcast Discussion Part II

Using the podcast technology, we had to think of a way to incorporate this into a lesson plan. I thought that since there is a good chance that I will teach mutidiscipline science classes at the high school level that I could take advantage of this. I would have my higher level classes (seniors and juniors) make mini-podcast discussions about a certain topic (ionic bonds, covalent bonds, polyatomic ions, etc.) that would take about 3 to 5 minutes on a podcast. They would do their lectures on the podcast for a grade, and the freshman classes could use the podcasts for studying...two birds, one stone!

NSET T: With this lesson plan I will be introducing the students to several standards: (1.) by allowing the students to be creative in their presentation and (5.) by engaging in their growth as a student and a professional by teaching a lesson.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Podcast Discussion

Today I came in with my script about wind for a seventh grade level, since weather is strongly integrated into the curriculum, and actually completed my podcast using the Audacity software. I borrowed one of Dr. Pierce's microphones so my voice would sound a bit better and it worked out great. When I was going through the Podcast tutorial, I went ahead and downloaded the LAME media converter software, which will convert and audacity project into a mp3 file. When you open up my podcast, it will play on Windows Media Player as if it were a song.
If you'd like to check it out, click on the enclosure link in the "Podcast Discussion" title and it will take you to the link online through my FTP account.

NSET T: See Podcast Blog post below for standards and how they were applied.