About Me

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Hello everyone! My name is Adrienne and this is my fourth year here at Fairmont State University. I've recently finished pre-med and now I'm working on my secondary ed degree with concentrations in general science, chemistry and biology. I'm really into outdoor activities, especially whitewater kayaking, hiking and skiing. I love music, some of my favorite artists are Zach de La Rocha, Bob Marley, Robert Plant, Eddie Veder, Chris Cornell, Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Today we learned about audio recording a lesson as a Podcast. This is going to be done through Skype (a program we need to download) that will recognize our installed microphone in our laptop. The rubric is attached as an enclosure link in the title. The Podcast needs to be 5-7 minutes long on a topic of choice (need to include grade, CSOs and objectives) a script needs to be made for the Podcast and uploaded as a Google document.
Follow this script outline: http://sites.google.com/site/educ2201/Home/podcast-activity
Audacity is a second software program that we need to find and download to play the recording and upload the music to it.

NSET T: The podcast is a very flexible tool that can used in many ways by the teacher and the students. For my activity, it will cover standards (3.) and (5.) because I will be demonstrating how I have learned about technology, how I am using it, and how I have grown as a teacher by applying it.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lesson Plan Day 1

My lesson plan will be covering the alkali metals (the elements in the first period of the periodic table). To help introduce the topic, I will show some of these elements' unique features, just take a look below.

Here is a video demonstrating how potassium reacts in water that I would show my students as part of the exploration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFG4Yr7lQzw

Here is another video demonstrating how lithium reacts in water:

I'm then going to use the Intel website to create a shuffle so that students can line up the elements with their correlating properties. They will split into groups (at least two so that they can compare) and organize the elements on a basis of electronegativity, ionization energy, and atomic radius. These are common trends for groups of the period table that are a necessary part of the curriculum.
To view the Intel ranking games, go to this website:
and sign in as Instructor: ariggi2187, Team: Team 1, and password is numberone.

My lesson plan that outlines the class discussion, class activity, and take home assignment is included in the enclosure link for this post.

NSET T: I covered standards (1.) and (2.) with this lesson plan because I used the Intel activity to engage and assess them, and I used the youtube video to promote their interest and learning.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Today we worked with new and different programs that relate to photos...we uploaded pics to Google photos through Picasa Web Albums and learned how to link these photos to a web site. I went ahead and embedded a photo album as well. That way, photos can be accessed through their own web page.
We also set up an account through photo shop: https://www.photoshop.com/landing.html
where photo shop becomes FREE! to use. Once signed in, you can access your photos through Facebook, Photobucket, and Picasa. Another way to easily access photos through the web.
Moving into pedagogy, we discussed about constructing a lesson plan using the information we have been taught from this class. I am secondary science and will be using Dr. Hemler's format for the lesson plan. I attached her format in the enclosure link.

NSET T: I believe that acquiring this very desired software legally demonstrates standard (4.) Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Graphics-Venn Diagram constructed in Word

Refer to this website for instruction on graphics: http://sites.google.com/site/educ2201/Home/still-images/online-graphics

This is a Venn diagram that I constructed using Microsoft Word using the shapes application. It is to demonstrate evolutionary relationships between those four groups of animals. I had some additional text boxes to show the relationships where the circles overlap, but they do not appear on my blog spot or on the google documents...so if I were to use this as a teaching aid...I would have to print this off through Microsoft Word.
NSET T: I used a venn diagram to demonstrate relationships between animals, this would relate to standard (3.) model digital age learning and technology

Graphics Day Two

Today, for our second assignment with graphics, we again had to access the Kid Zone chart construction page:http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/graphing/classic/ and create a chart that shows the number of students with an IEP (Individualized Education Programs) in the poorest states. This was based on the per capita personal income per state information from the year 2006 accessed at this website: http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0104652.html. These states were determined to be Mississippi, West Virginia, Utah and Arkansas (ranging from the poorest state to not as poor). The additional information was found through the NAEP website that was used for the first graphic assignment at this website: http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/states/. Under each state's profile is listed the number of students enrolled and then percent with IEP. This information can be used to calculate the number of students with IEP using a simple calculation. This calculated number was then taken for the four states and inserted into a bar graph so that comparisons could be made.
The chart portrays that West Virginia has a much lower number of students with IEP than the other poor states, but this may reveal that West Virginia has a smaller population and therefore a smaller number of students enrolled. A more accurate comparison would be to use the percent of students with IEP in each state.

NSET T: This website provides a free way to exemplify several conditions of the NSET; (2.) design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments and (3.) model digital age learning and work by displaying graphs of the learning curve across the country and introducing students to a new source to organize data.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Graphics & Charts

Today in class we learned that there are other, FREE options out there for constructing a graph. While they may not be as sophisticated as Excel or Powerpoint...they get the job done. As part of our assignment today we went to NAEP site and compared math scores for WV fourth grade students to the national average. Using this data...we constructed a graph. You can see my bar graph through the enclosure link in the title. The information from where I got the data is explained in the document, including the websites where I obtained the data and also where I constructed the graph.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


NETS T Standard Covered: The graphic activity
covers Standard (2.) that is, to design or develop
a digital-age learning experience and assessment.

Today we learned about possiblities for graphics and using Microsoft Paint, Powerpoint etc. to utilize graphics in the classroom.
Here is mine so enjoy! It is biologically related since that is one of my disciplines...

It is the dissection a frog and I incorporated all of the labeling...the neat thing about it is that it is a real life version of a dissected frog...so for those students who have problems dissecting the frog-this is the next best thing.

If you have a weak stomach I suggest you look away...but it is one of the many things I've had to dissect, including a cat, a lamprey, and a pig!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Still Image

The link for my response is added as an enclosure link in the title. I saved the document to my FTP so it could be accessed that way. I'm looking forward to working with graphics and images. A person retains information much better when visuals are incorporated into learning. Certain visuals can also trigger memory as well. Whether it is recognized by teachers or not, humans are interactive creatures that need to use and apply all of their senses for learning.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Intel Teacher Workplace

Today we worked with the website for the Intel teacher link (the link is posted under my blog) to learn about different online tools. I used the teacher workplace to create a ranking game to put in order the different geological time periods. I set up for two teams, but if you want to check it out you can click on the enclosure link and it will take you to the sign in page. The teacher ID is ariggi2187, the Team ID is Team 1, and the password is numberone. If you do look at it let me know what you think! I think its a really good tool for when students are studying and to help them memorize as well.